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Study Questions

1. Who coined the term "the Metropolitan Bopera House"?

2. Who had 306 cats in her house?

3. Who was Dizzy Gillespie referring to when he said, "Without him, ... there's no me!"?

4. Where is the Institute of Jazz Studies located?

5. In what category has Dan Morgenstern won 8 Grammys?

6. Who did Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong record "Happy Birthday" for?

7. What tune's famous last chorus recorded by Louis Armstrong was used as the basis for Eddie Durham's "Swinging the Blues"?
see Dan Morgenstern's Grammy liner notes on" Louis Armstrong—Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 1923-1934." search for Eddie Durham

8. What famous arranger would frequently call on Dan Morgenstern to supply him tapes of what were at the time rare and unavailable records?
see Morgenstern Grammy winning essay on "Louis_Armstrong -Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 1923-1934", p.31 #10. "Blue Again"

9. What is perhaps the first right-wing blues in history? (hint: it contains, in fact, of all things, a plug for Ronald Reagan.)
see Morgenstern, Dan. [Record Review: Jimmy Rushing: Every Day I Have The Blues] Down Beat 34:15 (July 27, 1967): 33–34. search for "right-wing"