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Dan Morgenstern: Editor - The Justice

When Dan Morgenstern began his journalism career, he was the 1953 Copy Editor for the Brandeis student newspaper, The Justice. Within one year he was promoted to Managing Editor 1954, then Editor in Chief 1955-56, and Editorial Advisor 1956. His first Jazz review appears here, as well as a showcase of topics.

The Justice
Brandeis University: The Justice

Dan's first jazz review:
Morgenstern, Dan. “This Week in Music.”
[Concert Review: Mozart Magnificent; Getz Great] The Justice 7:20 April 27, 1955): 3-4.

International Diplomacy
Morgenstern, Dan. “Asian 3rd Force Possible, China No Puppet: Lattimore”  The Justice 7:14  (February 15, 1955): 3–2.
Musical Comedy
Morgenstern, Dan. “Talents and Tunes Tops In Imaginative Imbroglio’”  The Justice 7:15 February 22, 1955): 7.
Morgenstern, Dan. “The Tempest': Shakespeare’s Final Measurement of Mankind”  The Justice 7:8 November 16, 1954): 3.
Morgenstern, Dan. “Last Words.” The Justice 8:14 June 9, 1956): 2.

Dan resigns

Morgenstern, Dan. “Rimbaud: Prophet or Devil?”  The Justice 7:6 November 2, 1954): 3.
Morgenstern, Dan. "Smog, Analysis Hit By Kohler” The Justice 6:13 January 19, 1954): 2.
Morgenstern, Dan. “Discussion of Thomas, Socialism Reflects Diversified Attitudes”  The Justice 6:18 (March 2, 1954): 1–2.

Morgenstern, Dan. “In Memoriam - Ludwig Lewisohn.” The Justice 8:7 January 18, 1956):5.

Morgenstern, Dan. “Atmosphere At Brandeis Impresses Professor Gerth.” The Justice 6:16 Tuesday, February 16, 1954): 3.